Dr. Tamika Adams-Sajdak
Dr. Adams obtained her Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Life University in Marietta, Ga. She received her Bachelors of the Arts degree in Theatre with a concentration in Pre-Medical Studies and Biology. Inspired to become a Chiropractor as her Grandmother holds the record as the 1st African American female Chiropractor in Toledo, OH, first African American woman to pass the Ohio State Medical board exam. Dr. Adams specializes in Full Spine/Diversified adjusting, Extremity adjusting, Activator Method, Thompson, Flexion Distraction, SOT, CBP and Functional Neurology. She loves working with all ages of patients, striving to educate as many families as possible through Chiropractic Care, proper nutrition, and exercise. Dr. Adams philanthropic endeavors include chiropractic mission trips to Haiti and the Dominican Republic where she served over 1,000 natives. Having studied abroad in Costa Rica she is proficient in Spanish. Dr. Adams is an active member of the ICA, she was previously an Ambassador for the Cartersville Chamber of Commerce, and an Alpha Chi Omega alumni. Dr. Adams has also been featured on BOP TV (Black On Purpose Television). In her spare time, Dr. Adams enjoys dancing, as she was a collegiate competitor in Ballroom Dancing, acting, and modeling.