HealthSource America's Chiropractor

of Baraboo

626 14th Street
Suite B (lower level)
Baraboo, WI 53913

(608) 355-7999

Do What You Love

9:00am - 6:00pm
Baraboo HealthSource Clinic

Dr. Michael Zolper


Dr. Michael earned his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic and began practice in 2000.

He has extensive training and is board eligible for Chiropractic Neurology, is a member of the Neuropathy Treatment Centers of America, and also carries a Nutrition Certification. His specific adjusting technique are both structural and tonal (tissue-based); they include Bio-Geometric Integration, Torque Release Technique, Sacral Occipital Technique, Upper Cervical Specific, Soft Tissue Techniques, Manual Therapies, and MyoFascial Release.

Michael sums up his path to chiropractic like this: "Chiropractic changed my life.  I suffered from birth with chronic ear infections and asthma. After trying everything else, including countless rounds of antibiotics, my parents finally took me to a chiropractor when I was three years old.  After my first adjustment, I began to breathe normally for the first time in my life. Soon afterward my ear infections went away.  As a high school athlete, my chiropractor helped keep me healthy and on the field or mat by keeping my joints moving and healthy through the abuse of frequent practices, games, and meets.  This allowed me to excel, and go to the State level in wrestling. My mission is to create a health system that changes lives, moving people past pain and sickness and into wellness!"