Non-Invasive Disc Rehabilitation

Non-Invasive Disc Rehabilitation

Used for the treatment of herniated (swollen) and degenerating discs, the therapy consists of rolling traction delivered at the same time as vibration from the base of the spine to the uppermost region of the thoracic region and base of the neck. This movement stimulates the inflow and outflow of water from the disc. When a patient is out of alignment and not moving correctly, the disc does not exchange water correctly and gets swollen or herniated as seen on an MRI. If it remains that way without realigning the spine and recreating the lost movement, the degenerative process leads to dehydration causing disc degeneration and ongoing worsening pain. Patients improve twice as fast as they used to as demonstrated on before and after x-rays in our office. It is very gentle and pain relieving as well as correcting naturally. This method of treatment has prevented many surgeries, as well as helped people to recover after back surgery with great success.

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